Gas insulated indoor switchgear ZRU-LE-K-35 kV

ZRU-LE-K-35 corresponds detoushed single-storey building with electrical equipment enside. Building consist of overground and underground substructure. Underground substructure or ground floor is used for cable and cable jumpers laying. Overground structure corresponds footing  building is used for equipment placement.

The transit frame is welded to the building floor in order to allow passage of the cables required to connect the equipment   



ZRU-LE-K-35 is used for:

  • grid substation 35kV side;
  • oil and gas fields development power supply;
  • industrial power suppliers;
  • utility customers;
  • large units constructions;
  • farm areas;
  • electric stations (under appropriate conditions).


 Design features and advantages of ZRU-LE-K-35:

  • closed switchgear 35 kV is an innovative solution for low-temperature and high atmospheric pollution regions. Equipment is placed in quick building structures for switching under low-temperature (from -60 0С);
  • buildings are highly insulated and simply mounted; 
  • expected lifetime is 30 years;
  • closed switchgear provides high voltage equipment service and replacement possibility without additional hardware components (overhead electrical crane is placed);
  • motor transport entry possibility is available;
  • each section is placed in separate building cluster to increase equipment localization resistance


Technical data of ZRU-LE-K-35



Rated voltage [кV]


Maximum operated voltage [кV]


Rated current [A]

630; 1000; 1250; 1600; 2500